Types Of SEC Cases: Illegal Stock Sales
SEC Fines Founder Of Marijuana Company $12 Million For Illegal Stock Sales
The SEC charged a marijuana consulting company and its executives with conducting illegal stock sales. The SEC alleged that the company’s founder and another executive made false public statements regarding the company’s industry performance and conducted sham transactions to falsify the company’s financials. (For more information about public statement frauds click here.)Shell Company Used To Conduct Illegal Stock Sales
The SEC filed its court Complaint in California against Medbox, Inc., a marijuana consulting services company that also claimed to sell biometric identification vending machines capable of dispensing marijuana.
The SEC’s court Complaint
Medbox’s CEO And Founder’s Fiancée Also Charged In Illegal Stock Sales Scam
The SEC also charged Medbox CEO Bruce Bedrick with being complicit in Mehdizadeh’s scheme. Per the court Complaint, Bedrick was aware that New-Age was owned by Mehdizadeh, and he approved specific transactions while being aware that they provided no tangential value to New-Age. Bedrick allegedly sold over 710,000 of his Medbox shares in private placements or public sales, garnering $6,483,180 in total sales proceeds. Mehdizadehʼ s then-fiancée Yocelin Legaspi, who was supposedly acting as New-Age’s CEO, was also charged with participating in the fraud through the unlawful selling of unregistered securities.
The SEC’s press release
Reporting, Books And Records, And Internal Control Violations; Auditor Fraud
In addition to the foregoing, the Complaint charged various reporting, books and records, and internal control violations. It also charged Medbox with lying to its auditors. (For more information about these types of frauds, click here.)
Specifically, the Complaint alleged that Medbox made materially false filings with the SEC.
Supposedly, Medbox maintained false books and records that did not truthfully reflect its accounts receivable, revenue, and related-party transactions. These things constituted books and records frauds.
By failing to implement adequate controls to ensure the proper recognition of those things, Medbox committed internal controls violations.
Furthermore, according to the Complaint, Mehdizadeh knowingly or recklessly lied when he signed false management representation letters that were provided to Medbox’s auditors.Sanctions and Penalties
Mehdizadeh and Medbox agreed to settle the SECʼs charges. According to the SEC’s press release, Mehdizadeh agreed to pay over $12 million in disgorgement and penalties. He also agreed to be barred from serving as an officer or director of a public company, and to be barred from participating in any penny stock offerings.Whistleblowers Can Report Illegal Stock Sales To The SEC
This case illustrates some types of misconduct that could give rise to SEC whistleblower cases if reported to the Commission through the SEC whistleblower program. However, the SEC has not made any public statement as to whether this case was itself an actual SEC whistleblower case. The SEC Office of the Whistleblower posts Notices of Covered Action (“NoCA”) for Commission actions where a final judgment or order results in monetary sanctions exceeding $1 million. The NoCA list does not disclose if a particular Enforcement action was brought as the result of an SEC whistleblower case, tip, complaint, or referral being filed with the Commission.Additional Information
For more information about illegal stock sales, click on the links below:- The SEC’s court Complaint in SEC v. Medbox, et al. (External link to the SEC’s website.)
- The SEC’s Press Release announcing the court Complaint. (External link to the SEC’s website.)